Saturday, 12 January 2013

KEYBOARD app by SwiftKey for iOS and Android now updated- fix Bug & Flow Feature Added

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The team behind the wildly popular SwiftKey Flow keyboard have just issued a quick update to their VIP community as version In the latest update to the SwiftKey Flow beta you’ll enjoy tons of bug fixes, enhanced features, a better typing experience, and overall better performance. Their keyboard is still in the testing phase but works wonderfully, so read on for the full change log and known issues.
SwiftKey didn’t just update us all with a change log, they went a step ahead and mentioned what’s new, things to be aware of, as well as a full known issues list. All of this has been detailed over at the SwiftKey Flow Blog. One of SwiftKey’s best features is being able to flow not just a word, but an entire sentence without lifting a finger. Then it predicts everything using their prediction engine and even puts in the spaces. Their previous beta if you make a mistake on a word, any word, the entire sentence was lost when you hit backspace — a real bummer.
I can happily confirm they’ve integrated a “save sentence” feature they’re calling Flow-through-space auto commit: if you flow-through space but mess up your last word, all the prior words will be inserted (instead of losing all the words). They’ve fixed that pesky double capitalization issue, fixed memory errors and much more.
Here’s their huge detailed update information:
  • Flow-through-space auto commit: if you flow-through space but mess up your last word, all the prior words will be inserted (instead of losing all the words).
  • Flow in landscape on tablets (not on split layout with numpad).
  • Battery usage improved (when flowing and when not in use).
  • Performance of flowing and tapping improved.
  • Long press of bottom-right (smiley/enter) button now works.
  • Fixed some force close issues.
  • Fixed some memory leaks.
  • Predictions not lost when changing keyboard layout (e.g. to symbols).
  • Fixed Double Capitalization issue.

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